Miracle Tree's Blog - Using Moringa to Boost the Immune System

Wash your hands. Donโ€™t touch anything thatโ€™s been on the floor. Get the proper vaccines.

Throughout our lives, weโ€™ve been taught certain hygiene practices to keep us from getting sick. However, weโ€™re hardly taught that our diet can play a major role in helping our body fight off disease. As the great Greek physician, Hippocrates so eloquently stated,ย โ€œLet food be thy medicine and medicine be thy foodโ€.ย Even though our immune system does a pretty good job at protecting our bodies from foreign organisms and substances, it could always use a little boostย through proper nutrition (in addition to limiting exposures, practicing proper hygiene, reducing stress, and getting sufficient sleep).

As you might know, superfoods are known for providing essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to help keep our bodies strong and able to fight anything that comes its way. Most likely, youโ€™ve probably heard of mainstream superfoods, such as blueberries, aรงaรญ, kale and quinoa, but what if I told you that there was a superfood that was more powerful and efficient?ย  Let me introduce you to moringa, the holy grail of superfoods with a nutritional profile that may help your immune system succeed.

What are the nutritional benefits of Moringa?

For those of you who donโ€™t know, moringa is a fast-growing tree commonly referred to as the โ€˜drumstickโ€™ or โ€˜โ€™horseradishโ€™ tree, though, we like to call it โ€˜miracle treeโ€™ for its nutritional value and medicinal benefits.

From the roots to its leaves, every bit of the moringa tree is edible and packed with nutrients. In fact, moringa leaves contain 90 different nutrients, 47 of which are antioxidants and nine of which are essential amino acids. Ironically, moringa is often found in places where malnutrition is prevalent. Fortunately, due to the speed at which this tree grows and its nutritional benefits, it has helped boost nutrition for people living Malawi, Senegal and India among others.

To get a better view of what these incredible leaves provide, take a look at the visual below.

  • 4x the vitamin A of carrots
  • 3x the potassium of bananas
  • 7x the vitamin c of oranges
  • 4x the calcium of milk
  • 9x the iron of spinach

How can moringa help the immune system?

The immune system is our bodyโ€™s defense mechanism against toxins, bacteria and parasites. Needless to say, a weakened immune system puts us at greater risk for contracting serious diseases and chronic infections. While our immune system does an amazing job at keeping our bodies safe, it relies on a healthy diet and proper hygiene to perform at its best.

A healthy diet rich in antioxidants and vitamins is essential for keeping our immune system strong. Antioxidants can help to increase our white blood cell count, which is important as they are critical for fighting off infections. By increasing the defensive mechanisms of these blood cells, as well as their protective barrier, antioxidants make it harder for toxins and germs to break through.

In general, all superfoods are great at boosting your immune system, but moringa is special because of its incredible amount of nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants. As previously mentioned, moringa contains high amounts of vitamin C, A, and amino acids (building blocks of the body's proteins), which may have the following effects:

  • High amounts of vitamin C provide a powerful antioxidant effect by increasing antibody formation, thus increasing immunity
  • High amounts of vitamin A not only keep the organs functioning properly, but it also protects your skin, thereby making it harder for pathogens to get through
  • The immune system is made up of proteins, so itโ€™s important to consume sufficient protein to keep it at its best

Now, these are just a few of the fantastic nutrients that moringa offers. As you can see, moringa is an extremely powerful tool to help boost your immune system.ย  However, it is noted that more studies are needed for these properties.

How can I get my daily-dose of moringa?

There are a variety of ways that you can consume moringa. Unless you can plant a Moringa Tree by yourself, Miracle Tree offers moringa powders and teas that can contain all the benefits of the Moringa Tree.

For those of you who like variety, Miracle Treeโ€™s moringa powders can be added to smoothies, supplements and water-based beverages.ย  For those of you who enjoy a nice cup of tea, Miracle Treeโ€™s moringa teas come in different mouth-watering flavors, including our pantry essentials like original (pure), green tea, ginger, lemon, mint, and turmeric.

* Disclaimer:ย Miracle Treeยฎย products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.ย ย We highly recommend that you speak with your healthcare provider before consuming any herbal supplement products or superfoods.

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  • Where can I get this producs

    Abram Monyebodi on

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