Miracle Tree's Blog - Five Ways To Use Moringa Topically

A breakdown of five different ways to use the miracle tree topically

The first thing that comes to mind when you think about a green powdered superfood is probably matcha. Originating in Japan, Matcha food and beverages have been around for a while now, but recently there has been a spike in popularity for matcha’s super green cousin, moringa. This medicinal plant is not new of course, moringa is an Indian herb derived from the moringa oleifera tree, native to Africa and Asia. The powder is made from the leaves of the tree, and although it has come into the spotlight only recently, it has actually been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. Also known as the “miracle tree” for its prolific nutrient composition, moringa can be consumed in several forms and can even be used topically. In fact, it is being hailed as a great all-natural skincare ingredient, given its properties and benefits. It is high in fiber, contains all nine essential amino acids and is loaded with protein as well as vitamins A, C, and E. You can also use moringa by consuming it in the form of tea, powder or incorporating the oil into your foods. Here are five efficient ways to use moringa topically:

Anti-Aging Skin Mask

Moringa powder or oil may help in slowing down the signs of aging. It is full of antioxidants that may prevent free radical damage. The existence of free radicals in your skin cells damages the cells and harms your skin tissues, which inevitably lead to the formation of wrinkles and other signs of aging. Besides its potent antioxidant properties, this super green also boasts of vitamin C and a chemical termed ‘cytokinins’. This may help repair damaged cells but also may boost growth of cells and stabilizes collagen that aid in keeping the skin firm and youthful. It also has relatively low oleic acid content, which can make it effective at plumping fine lines and contributing to an overall more youthful appearance. Moringa may be used as an anti-aging mask for youthful skin. 

Wound Ointment

Moringa leaf contains iron and demonstrates anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and emollient properties. This may help to treat minor injuries such as bruises, cuts, insect bites, rashes, sunburns and hastens the healing of injuries. These properties also make the ingredient super moisturizing and nourishing. Besides, it is non-greasy and is absorbed into the skin with ease. Using moringa in an ointment form topically may heal minor wounds. 

Anti-fungal Treatment

Moringa is rich in antimicrobial agents that may be used for discovery of new classes of compounds that help in the treatment of microbial resistance. The anti-fungal efficacy of this plant has been utilized for decades in Ayurvedic medicines. The chloroform extract of the flowers, as well as ethanol extract of the leaves may be beneficial in treating fungal infections. 

Overnight Hair Treatment

The leaves of the moringa plant may be beneficial for the hair and scalp due to the abundant vitamins and minerals, which may be used to cleanse the hair and scalp and prevent hair damage, dryness and dandruff. The properties in the plant increase blood circulation in the scalp that helps to keep it clean and boosts hair growth. Simply wetting the hair, massaging the oil into the scalp and rinsing it can effectively clean and moisturize your hair. Besides cleansing and nourishing the hair, use moringa may help prevent hair loss. Iron and zinc deficiency have been linked with hair loss for years now, making moringa a logical ingredient for healthy hair growth. Iron helps carry oxygen in the blood, all the way to your scalp boosting the growth of hair follicles. Use moringa as an overnight hair treatment to get soft, shiny and healthy hair.

Gentle Physical Exfoliator

Use moringa in its powdered form to gently exfoliating the skin. It has a unique combination of fatty acids that are integral to the formation and maintenance of cell membranes within the stratum corneum (the layer of the skin that provides a barrier to the environment and regulates permeability). Additionally, these fatty acids also have emollient, lubricant and anti-inflammatory properties, which may help in restoring the natural oils of the skin and protecting the skin from damage caused by the environmental stressors. By purifying, exfoliating and rejuvenating the skin, moringa helps reveal its natural glow. 

The Takeaway

Given these benefits, there’s no doubt as to why moringa is referred to as the “wonder” or “miracle” tree. The awareness of the advantages that come with incorporating this superfood into your routine is gradually percolating the masses, as moringa is all set to become the new matcha in the space of super greens. 

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